12 Courses For Technical Founders Without Business Backgrounds
I like fundamentals-focused business building, and outline the principles of fundamentals-focused business building in my free Bootstrapping course.
You may be a brilliant computer scientist or even a genius. To become a successful entrepreneur, though, you must not only know how to code, but also understand the fundamentals of launching and growing a business.
Whether you want to improve as a founder or simply understand what your co-founders are talking about, these courses will help you do both.
If you’re just getting started, there are various ways to get your business up and running. The following is a comprehensive guide to bootstrapping techniques.
What is Bootstrapping?
Bootstrapping focuses on building a company by relying on limited resources. We’ve conducted interviews with hundreds of entrepreneurs who have successfully bootstrapped their businesses before seeking funding in order to provide you with a comprehensive guide to bootstrapping methodology. See how they’ve done it.
- Bootstrapping a Startup with Services with Sramana Mitra
- Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later with Sramana Mitra
- Bootstrapping a Startup with a Paycheck with Sramana Mitra
- How to Bootstrap Startups by Piggybacking with Sramana Mitra
- How to Bootstrap a Startup to Exit with Sramana Mitra
- How To Succeed As A Solo Entrepreneur with Sramana Mitra
The bottom line is no investor in Silicon Valley or elsewhere would finance your venture unless you do some amount of bootstrapping to get to validation.
After you’ve learned about bootstrapping, please study the domain-specific case studies and consider different startup ideas depending on your passion and expertise. It will help you concentrate on the sector where you have an unfair advantage rather than wasting time chasing a hot trend where you have zero edge.
- Startup Ideas for the Post Covid World with Sramana Mitra
- How to Build E-commerce Startups with Sramana Mitra
- How to Build 2-Sided E-commerce Marketplaces with Sramana Mitra
- How To Build AI Startups with Sramana Mitra
- How to Build Online Education Startups with Sramana Mitra
- How to Build Digital Health Startups with Sramana Mitra
After you’ve completed these courses, you should be well on your way. All of them are based on the 1Mby1M Methodology. Take these courses in any order you wish, combine them as needed, but do not skip the learning.
In addition, be sure to deeply understand How Investors Think before you go chasing investors.
When you do, don’t do so with a begging bowl. Go with real validation and command the respect that would result in successful funding rounds.
If you have any specific questions, come and see me at a 1Mby1M free roundtable.
P.S. We’re looking to partner with community leaders who write blogs, teach and mentor entrepreneurs, and help support startup ecosystems in every corner of the world, no matter how small or how remote. I have written about my own journey building startup ecosystems around the world, and how you can draw from my lessons from the trenches. If you’re interested in partnering with 1Mby1M, please consider joining our ambassador program.
Looking For Some Hands-On Advice?
For entrepreneurs who want to discuss their specific businesses with me, I’m very happy to assess your situation during my free online 1Mby1M Roundtables, held almost every week. You can also check out our free Bootstrapping Course, our Udemy courses, YouTube channel, podcast interviews with VCs and Founders.
Photo Credit: Dr StClaire from Pixabay