Are You Building Your Startup While Working Full Time?
Most adult professionals have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. People working in the tech industry have big salaries to forego if they want to start a company.
So many ambitious folks start to build their technology startups while working full-time. Having a job means your income doesn’t depend on the immediate success of your startup business. We call this method Bootstrapping with a Paycheck.
The One Million by One Million (1Mby1M) virtual accelerator offers a core methodology for doing this. The course Bootstrapping a Startup with a Paycheck with Sramana Mitra takes you through the whole process with excellent case studies.
We’ll also be holding a FREE Roundtable Mentoring Session to support entrepreneurs bootstrapping with a paycheck on Oct. 7 at 8 a.m. PDT: REGISTER HERE
Interested in getting more support while bootstrapping your startup with a paycheck? Apply to win a one-year scholarship to the 1Mby1M Premium program, sponsored by DataStax, valued at $1000. Check out The DataStax — 1Mby1M Startup Challenge.
Watch this video to learn more:
Watch — Learn — APPLY — Submit Your Application by October 28, 2021.
To experience the One Million by One Million program, register for a FREE Roundtable Mentoring Session. All who register will receive the recording by email, even if you can’t attend live. When registering, be sure to mention DataStax in ‘How did you learn about?’ so you can receive credit when your application is being judged.